Breath Practice & Play Rib Swing

Draping: Side Opening

For this exercise, you’ll need a pillow, bolster, or cushion.

Arrange yourself comfortably on your side, with the cushion underneath your side ribs. Rest your head on your arm or another pillow, and extend the other arm overhead along the floor. It’s important that you’re comfortable, so take the time to get your setup right for your body’s architecture, using different size props and modifying the drape as necessary.

Allow yourself to soften into this shape. With one side supported and compressed by the cushion, is there room for breath expansion in the available side? 

Stay as long as you’d like. When you’re ready, slowly transition to the second side. 

How much can you allow yourself to be supported by the prop? What adjustments do you need for maximum comfort? Give yourself the benefit of time…there’s no rush. Get curious: if you leave yourself alone for a few breaths, how might your breath begin to open on its own?

When you’re done, move off the prop slowly and gently.

Take a few moments at the end of the exercise to notice any shifts in your breath or body awareness. Try to take this awareness with you into the next thing you do.