Abdominal Release Breath Practice & Play Rib Swing

Draping: Front Opening

For this exercise, you’ll need a pillow, bolster, or cushion.

Arrange yourself with the cushion underneath the shoulder blades, supporting the upper back and encouraging the heart space to expand. You may want a second pillow or other prop underneath your head. It’s important that you’re comfortable, so take the time to get your setup right for your body’s architecture, using different size props and modifying the drape as necessary.

Allow yourself to soften into this shape. If it’s comfortable, you can extend your legs along the floor. With the back supported in this arch, is there room for breath expansion in the front body? 

Stay as long as you’d like. When you’re ready, roll very slowly off the cushion to one side. Go gently and take several breaths to get there. Remain curled on your side for a couple of breath cycles before using your arms to push yourself to a seated position.

Take a few moments at the end of the exercise to notice any shifts in your energy, breath, or body awareness. Try to take this awareness with you into the next thing you do.