Abdominal Release Breath Practice & Play

Abdominal Clock

For this exercise, draping over a cushion is optional. I learned this exercise from Jane Guyer Fujita.

If you’re using a prop, arrange yourself with the cushion underneath the shoulder blades. You may want additional support under the head. It’s important that you’re comfortable, so take the time to get your setup right for your body’s architecture, using different size props and modifying the drape as necessary.

Begin with some firm and comfortable finger pressure on the soft tissue at the center of the upper abdomen, just below the sternum. Take a few moments to breathe and soften around this new obstacle. This can be an interesting or even intense sensory experience, but it should not be painful or distressing. A gentle boundary and orienting towards pleasure can be just as effective, or even more so, than seeking intensity.

Breath by breath, begin to move the fingers outwards along the bottom borders of the ribs, imagining a large clock face covering the entire abdomen. From your initial position at 12 o’clock, move the fingers first to 11 and 1, then to 10 and 2, then to 9 and 3 at the sides of the abdomen.

This exercise is about noting and releasing abdominal tension, softening around obstacles, and most of all, about breathing. Keep allowing yourself to breathe, and make note of any breath holds that occur. If you stop breathing, simply invite the breath back. 

From here, continue to move down as the fingers travel toward one another again, along the top rim of the pelvis, finally arriving at six o’clock just above the center of the pubic bone. Remember, this is a breath exploration. If you’re gripping or holding your breath in discomfort, you might be working too hard. See if you can get curious about subtler levels of sensation.

Move the finger pressure up a bit, so it’s just below the navel. From here, you’re going to reverse directions on a much smaller imaginary clock that covers just the center of the abdomen around the navel area. Move first to 5 and 7, then to 4 and 8, moving eventually back around to a 12 o’clock position just above the navel.

Over the course of several breaths, reduce the pressure from your fingers, then rest your palms on the belly however it feels comforting.

If you used a cushion for draping, roll very slowly and gently to one side before coming up to seated.

Take a few moments at the end of the exercise to notice any shifts in your energy, breath, or body awareness. Try to take this awareness with you into the next thing you do.