Pronunciation Guide for the 2024 University of Michigan production
Author: jsortore
Accent Resources for the 2024 University of Michigan Production
Phonetics Practice Pages
For this exercise, you’ll need a straw. Stand or sit upright, sensing for a dynamic, easy head-spine relationship. Be mindful about using your arm to bring the straw up to your mouth rather than shortening through the spine to bring your head down toward the straw. Exhale an easy stream of breath and sound through […]
This is an alternative to the straw phonation exercise, for when you don’t have a straw handy. Stand or sit upright, sensing for a dynamic, easy head-spine relationship. Shape your lips around an imaginary straw, then bring your finger up to touch them, partially blocking the opening. Be mindful about bringing your finger to your […]
This exercise is based on the work of Dr. Joseph Stemple. All of the exercises should be performed at the softest possible volume that still allows for a fully-engaged sound (i.e., no breathiness). Sustain each exercise until you totally run out of air. Those last few seconds will create an isometric contraction in the intrinsic […]
These are like jumping jacks, but “wacky.” Nancy Houfek taught me this exercise. Start with some regular jumping jacks, and then explore different angles. Allow your exploration to be playful and fun. Try not to control your breath experience. This is designed to affect your breath, so let it! When you’re finished, take a few […]
Arm Swings 2
Stand upright, sensing moment by moment for a dynamic, active alignment in your bones. Begin to swing the arms together, right and left, building momentum until you can easily swing them all the way around in a circle. Make sure that you’re connecting breath with movement. After you swing the arms one direction, go the […]
Stand upright, sensing moment by moment for a dynamic, active alignment in your bones. Release the jaw, allowing it to hang loose as the lips part and the throat softens. Begin to bounce through the heels. Bounce some breath in, and bounce some breath out. Let it be messy. If you sense that you’re controlling […]
Stand upright, sensing moment by moment for a dynamic, active alignment in your bones. Allowing for a grounded inhalation between sounds, explore extending the duration of a /s/ or /ʃ/ without compressing the ribs, spine, or throat. Maintain awareness and curiosity about your surroundings as you expand into the sound. Add some voice if you […]