Articulation Floodgates Practice & Play Vibration & Resonance

Temporalis Massage

Jaw Release: Temporalis Massage

Clench the teeth lightly a time or two to locate the temporalis muscle on the side of the skull above the ears.

Using fingers, knuckles, or the heels of your hands, gently massage this muscle, allowing the jaw to release into gravity and the breath to expand and deepen.

Remember to bring the hands up to the skull, rather than shortening the neck to bring the head toward the hands.

Use the pressure that feels good for you today. Experiment with a combination of dynamic, moving massage, and static pressure into the belly of the muscle.

Remember to allow this exercise to affect your breath. Is there a way this exercise could be more interesting, pleasurable, or bring you into greater presence?

When you’re finished, try to take any positive effects of your work with you into the next thing you do.