Practice & Play

Dynamic Alignment

Back Release: Wall Sit

With the feet hip width apart, bend the knees forward as if you’re sliding your back down an imaginary wall a few inches.

Allow the legs to support you as you breathe three-dimensionally.

Allow the head to release upward as the tailbone releases in the opposite direction. Breath by breath, allow the back to lengthen and widen.

Continue allowing the leg bones to support you as the torso lightens, lengthens, and expands. Pay particular attention to allowing the head/spine relationship to be easy and balanced, without extra engagement of the neck muscles.

When you’re finished, straighten the legs without immediately returning to a habitual stance. Be mindful that your return to standing is accomplished by straightening the legs, not by engaging the back of the neck.

Try to take your work with you into the next thing you do.